Friday, November 10, 2006




David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


As I have briefly addressed within this and other notes, In my belief it is that such concept(s) as is the "third degree of civilization," are not only in motion but somewhat "progressive" in a sense (as I see such designs in conjunction with human tendency, that is).

It is from my perspective, that the current manifestation of what we live in here in the United States of America, is initially of a certain combination of various aspects of various applied concepts - then put into application in action from and through other various perspectives (initially) pertaining to the "idea" of that "third degree of civilization," but such doesn't mandate that (those) combinations as the only possible (or even most efficient in regard to progress and change) combination of said ideas within said applied concept(s).

This means that the "progressive" element is not confined to the current version(s) (variations) in application which we exist within here in the United States of America(or other places), but further is capable of "refinement" outside of the established emulation (and subsequent layers of emulation in that consistency) as mechanism here in the United States, as well as other combinations in emulation existing as social mechanisms elsewhere - then further within their interaction as a matter of course.

As I have mentioned, one such manifestation (layer/continued emulation) has taken place and continues to progress within the communications section of various nations - each being subtly different from any other example - which again (in my opinion) is by design in use of within said designs of concept(s), as much as naturally occurring commonality - (the consistency of inconsistency).

As well, within the past few years (nearly eight so far as I can discern) another noticeable manifestation of this rather efficient application and consistency in conceptual structuring has taken place in the development and implementation of a new form of currency known as the Euro - which represents and is used throughout Europe within the E.U. (European Union). This form of currency has proved to be successful so far in exhibiting stability and added convenience throughout Europe.

I have not looked into it specifically beyond topical observation, though such is more than enough to get the gist of what I hope to illustrate in this observation.

This success is as well an attribute and indicator of the level to which humanity itself has risen in more than the topically visible.

Within the dynamic in which the "Euro" exists, are several different social orders of themselves - as well as just as many other forms of currency. The successful co-existence and continued value of these relationships indicates great success in the refinement and use of such conceptual structures - even though within my belief - such structures and concepts are as result of emulating that larger process in motion, as I have described in other areas within this body of notes.

In one sense a person could see this as then relegating the version (all told) which is active as, of and within the U.S. as being a "Greenland" of sorts to the newer example of "Iceland" in the success of the "Euro" and E.U. regarding the more recent application of variations within that consistency - but on further observation (again, topically) it is simply a more modern application (consciously or not) of those initial concepts which contribute to the idea of that "third degree of civilization" in applied use, and further I can see where it is that our initial employment of such concept(s) acts to then stabilize the newer implementation now existing there. This in many more ways than are topically obvious - one of which that occurs to me being a sort of vicarious use of that "commerce/power" structure existing here in the U.S., while still maintaining a sort of individual "sovereignty" within their own interactions and use of the applied concept(s).

In many respects, it could very much be only another properly forged "cog" for which to serve efficiently, the "next" area in a broader sense - in a much larger motion of progression.

As I have said, if it weren't for what we know as the "third degree of civilization" having been conceptualized and implemented - it still would have very much manifested in other ways and other things (in my opinion), through other means - though initially perhaps somewhere else.

As well in my humble belief, it is that something such as that "commerce/power" change would have had to take place before such levels of efficiency could have been achieved, as we now can see and experience. This is very much evident in that readily apparent series of dichotomy (and subsequent paradox).

Before such concepts were put forward and then implemented, it is readily observable in regard to the pre-existing "cyclical" limitations which were the common course of societies. A defined "inception, rise, then decline" was always the re-occurring, and repetitious series in social "development." It is only after the use of such concepts in application, that such cycles were transformed into a sustained and more constant level of civilization and resulting prosperities.

Oddly, as a personal note - it would seem that the imperative aspect within such a sustained level of society, is then the purposeful adherence to an applied parabolic cycle within it (that body of applied concepts). We actually then had to "apply" a sort of emulation of the pre-existing and detrimental cycle(s) in order to maintain that larger productivity and level of sustained existence. This of course, as can be observed - was provided for within those applied concept(s) through the use of those innate human tendencies - effectively utilizing the aspects that at one point in time would end entire civilizations, to in effect - sustain it (them) through use of said application(s). Each and every person could then experience the sensation of "greatness" through what would become common levels of existence. This then proposes the problem of "greatness" becoming a "common" experience - and thus no longer acknowledged as for what it is comparatively speaking. "Familiarity" with existing as a normality within what otherwise amounts to "greatness" so to speak.

As we as a species have developed our societies and social structures - it is very much an expected thing (especially now, in hindsight) to have established something such as the "power/commerce" dynamic. It seems to prove efficient (even through the apparent problematic areas) in an "elastic" sort of stabilizing manner. Especially in regard to the modern use of such structuring as it is "laid over" existing Europe while maintaining independence from it and those countries of Europe.

The "nerd" in me finds it rather exciting to be witnessing it occur, if even from afar.

As for the "longevity" of such success, the only thing to tell that from what I can see, will be the passing of time and of course the maintenance of important aspects within it.


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